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Profil madhujeypal
Surprize trimise: 4
Surprize primite: 3
Surprize în progres: 0

Ţara: India
Limbi: English. Tamil, German, French

Member since: 27 Septembrie 2022
Last activity: 01 Februarie 2023
Hi Everyone,
I am Mathangi, from Tamil Nadu - South India.
I am a person of many interest and love learning new things.
I have a pet Labrador called Bhairava - and he is the biggest love of my life.
I love writing letters and have had some pen pals regularly over the last 10-12 years.
My hobbies include cycling and cooking
I enjoy travelling - though Covid put a big dampener on the same.
I am a big fan of stationery, notebooks, washi tapes, cartoons, doodles, the Peanuts, Calvin and
Hobbes, Magnets etc.

I am also a big fan of the feel-good factor , so anything you send me with interest is very welcome
and I look forward to your surprise in my mailbox.

P.S. Please do not send me advertising cards, coloring cards, promotional paper.

Stay healthy and happy,
warm regards,
Ultimele 10 surprize trimise
22 Noiembrie 2022
28 Februarie 2023
98 zile
22 Noiembrie 2022
10 Ianuarie 2023
49 zile
27 Septembrie 2022
21 Noiembrie 2022
55 zile
Statele Unite ale Americii
27 Septembrie 2022
27 Octombrie 2022
30 zile
Ultimele 10 surprize primite
De la
10 Ianuarie 2023
01 Februarie 2023
21 zile
22 Noiembrie 2022
22 Decembrie 2022
29 zile
Statele Unite ale Americii
22 Noiembrie 2022
22 Decembrie 2022
29 zile
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