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Profil chibi-sunwukong
Surprize trimise: 1
Surprize primite: 1
Surprize în progres: 0

Ţara: Belgia
Limbi: Dutch, French, English, a bit of Japanese

Member since: 20 August 2020
Last activity: 22 Octombrie 2020
Hi, I'm Erika from Belgium. I'm a married, mother of 2: Elric (13) and Amber (9).

I have Ehlers-danlos syndrome, and I am mostely housebound because of this. That's why I love mail so much, as it always makes my heart sing (except when I get bills! ^^') I can't travel annymore, so I try to explore part of the world through letters.

I'm an openminded person and you can chat about anything with me.

I love cats and other animals; I currently have 3 cats (Baby, Loki and Twilight) and 1 bunnie (Koala) at home. I have worked as a volenteer in a shelter for cats for years, but I had to stop because of my health. I hope to volenteer again in the future.

My hobbies are: baking, cooking, crafts, embroidery (mostly x-stitch), sewing, occasionally playing a video game (I love Legend of Zelda and Final Fantasy games), Japanese culture and language, movies, music, pen palling, mythology and ancient cultures, etc

I am always looking for pen pals form interesting countries ^-^

I have studied Japanese one evening a week at a language school for 5 years, but I still have much to learn, and I try to do a bit of stying on my own right now.

I love to try candy/snacks and chocolate from other countries, but who doesn't ;)
I also love tea, sakura related items, letter papers, stationairy, postcards, stickers, lucky charms, kawaii things, crafty items, etc.
I'm sure you'll send me something nice ^-^
Ultimele 10 surprize trimise
03 Septembrie 2020
18 Septembrie 2020
14 zile
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De la
18 Septembrie 2020
22 Octombrie 2020
34 zile
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