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Profil junny
Surprize trimise: 2
Surprize primite: 1
Surprize în progres: 0

Ţara: Rusia
Limbi: Russian, English

Member since: 24 Mai 2022
Last activity: 30 Iulie 2022
Hi, my name is tanya (or just nusha), I live in the lovely city of Yekaterinburg and I like walking around it in winter, when it is beautifully decorated. I also like taking pictures of sunsets and sunrises, looking at stars and listening to music. I also love buying fresh buns and watching people pass by and swinging on the swing! i like anything unusual, authorial, unique. I also like cartoons, manga, anime and my dog named bux. i plan to become a good veterinarian in the future!

If you've gotten to this point and are in over your head about what to send me, here are some ideas:

- tea bag! lots and lots and lots of tea bag. i really like flavored teas.
- your drawing.
- signed postcards (I would be especially happy to get with Winnie the Pooh, dogs, guinea pigs, PicsArt, DreamWorks, Disney cartoons)

if it's not difficult for you, could you draw a little piggy on your postcard? it would be very pleasant for me! (it doesn't matter if you can draw or not)

Well, and of course anything else you want! don't limit yourself and don't think I'd be happy to get only what I listed above.

Smile more often, love yourself and don't limit yourself in food, because food is beautiful, just like you!
Ultimele 10 surprize trimise
08 Iunie 2022
18 Iunie 2022
9 zile
29 Mai 2022
08 Iunie 2022
10 zile
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13 Iunie 2022
28 Iunie 2022
14 zile
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