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Profil kingf1sh
Surprize trimise: 1
Surprize primite: 0
Surprize în progres: 0

Ţara: India
Limbi: English, Portuguese

Member since: 02 Septembrie 2024
Last activity: 02 Septembrie 2024
I'm a 31-year-old guy who loves the rain, the sea, reading, football, music, and my greatest passion, writing.
I have a special affinity for the ocean. In my 'down' time I like to go swimming in the sea, or just visit the beach. I'd love to circumnavigate the globe in a sailing yacht someday.
I have a Bachelor's in Pharmacy and work as a QA auditor in the pharmaceutical/healthcare industry but have also done photography and written for a Michelin starred level restaurant in the past.
I spend my time (when I'm not deluged with work) reading, writing, taking pictures, playing football on the beach, practicing my guitar or checking out the latest brunch place in town.
It would be amazing to connect with people who'd love to write back, especially through snail mail. Please let me know if you'd like me to send you some or are interested in direct swaps/snail mail.

I collect postcards, stamps (especially flowers/marine related) and currency notes. If you can write something about yourself, your life, hometown, memories etc I would love that!
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Statele Unite ale Americii
02 Septembrie 2024
15 Decembrie 2024
103 zile
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