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Profil urindianfriend
Surprize trimise: 1
Surprize primite: 1
Surprize în progres: 0

Ţara: India
Limbi: English, Hindi

Member since: 06 Februarie 2017
Last activity: 29 Martie 2019
HI...Thanks for looking at my profile. My name is Ashok and I leave in Karanjia , my native place which is a semi urban. I am happily married having 3 children. I am interested in making penfriends through letters and swapping collectibles like stamps, coins, bank notes, FDC, picture postcard and souvenir sheets. Anyone interested with my hobbies and want to be my true friend may please write me. I exchange surprises with my friends from time to time on special occasions. My birthday falls on 15th March. Anyone interested to be my penpal though letters write me your beautiful letter and I will also write you back. You can send me anything you want to give up to me as a pleasant surprise. Happy Friendship. I will update my profile from time to time.
Ultimele 10 surprize trimise
06 Februarie 2017
23 Februarie 2017
16 zile
Ultimele 10 surprize primite
De la
28 Februarie 2017
25 Martie 2017
24 zile
UNESCO Postcards